Quantify Effort and Workload Across Teams with Points

A Starting Point for Effort

To measure, track, and predict required effort (in Asana), we first need to quantify it. By assigning points to our work on a relative scale (a concept used in Agile), we enable our team(s) to compare and communicate the associated effort.

To give you a quick start, our team scored some common elements of work across dimensions like complexity, critical thinking, judgment, and problem solving to create this rubric. Please download this worksheet as a starting point for your team; and send us some feedback.

Hire The Collaborative to plan, implement, and improve your systems and workflows ☀️

Our team loves systems and process challenges. We help refine workflows, train you on best practices, and implement new apps. Connect with us to learn more!

Cory Wilson

I help entrepreneurs an organizations with their systems.


We amplified creative production workflows to keep up with the pace of Broadway.


We reimagined complex cross-departmental workflows to create clarity and deliver results.